
Survival and Denial: I Watched War Erupt in the Balkans. Here’s What I See in America Today.

Survival and Denial: I Watched War Erupt in the Balkans. Here’s What I See in America Today.

Survival and Denial

I Watched War Erupt in the Balkans. Here’s What I See in America Today.

Opinion - The Intercept

I CAN’T SLEEP ANYMORE. I wake up in the middle of the night from hallucinatory dreams and don’t fall back asleep. I’m obviously not alone with this condition. Sleeplessness and a kind of narcoleptic fatigue that I have all afternoon are gripping the country, actually the globe.

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In One Moment in Afghanistan, Heroism and Heartbreak

In One Moment in Afghanistan, Heroism and Heartbreak

In One Moment in Afghanistan, Heroism and Heartbreak

Opinion - The New York Times

Three years and three weeks ago. Dusk was falling fast on the Korengal Valley. We were crouched on a shrub-laden plateau some 8,000 feet up in the mountains. The soldiers were exhausted and cold. We’d been sleeping in ditches for five nights. Insurgents were everywhere.

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The World; A Saudi Response on Reform: Round Up the Usual Dissidents

The World; A Saudi Response on Reform: Round Up the Usual Dissidents

Opinion - The New York Times

Shortly before I left Saudi Arabia in January, Dr. Tawfiq al-Khusayer, a Saudi engineering professor and veteran reformist, told me he had a premonition that he might be hauled off to jail, and he asked me to stay in touch. The professor, a moderate Islamist, is one of the authors of a petition…

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