I’ve covered conflict around the world for two decades investigating how narrative is wielded by the people I write about--leaders and followers, activists, artists, mothers, soldiers, warmakers, and children. My explorations have taken me to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chechnya, Russia, Uganda, South Africa, Sierra Leone, the Balkans, Haiti, the Middle East, Indonesia, and lots of spots across the USA. I have published stories in The New York Times Magazine, The New Republic, The New Yorker, Harper’s, The Atlantic, Bidoun, Vogue. I was honored to be chosen for the Livingston Award for Young Journalists, the Bayeux-Calvados Award for War Correspondents, the Kurt Schork Award, a Michael Kelly award for the pursuit of truth, the John Jay Award from Columbia College. And I am grateful for the fellowships I received from the Nieman at Harvard University, the Edward R. Murrow Fellowship the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Cullman Fellowship for Scholars at the New York Public Library. For now, I live in Brooklyn, NY with my daughter, dog, and cat, and finishing a book about power, inspiration, and madness called The Charismatics.