I Watched War Erupt in the Balkans. Here’s What I See in America Today.
The Intercept
October 2020

How a group of teenage believers could reshape the Israeli-Palestinian struggle.
Photos by Gillian Laub
Tablet Mag
September 2011

Sami had disappeared. We were planning to head out of Kabul that morning on a road journey to Herat, in western Afghanistan. Sami was to be my guide, and I couldn’t find him anywhere.
The Atlantic
January / February 2003

A few inches shy of six feet tall, with long red locks that could ripple down to her lower back if she didn’t have to tie them up tight, Jane Russell cuts a startling figure in the Afghan desert reading Mark Helprin’s A Soldier of the Great War, flipping through Men’s Health, and eating a sorbet bar.
May 2010